Recently Koffeeone installed eight new multi automatic coffee machines in the Sydney CBD Office for one of Australia’s largest law firms.
It’s quite common for Koffeeone to install new multi automatic coffee machines when it involves a total building fit out rather than the more traditional style commercial coffee machine, and one of the questions they often get asked whilst doing the coffee installation is, “How can you make the coffee so consistent on each floor with so many automatic coffee machines” ?
The answer is simple the Koffeeone range of new multi automatic coffee machines are the best coffee machines on the market for both for quality and consistency.
It doesn’t matter if you are on the first floor or the board room, the Koffeeone range of new multi automatic coffee machines will be the same fantastic quality in every part of the building.
An Espresso Coffee Machine is meant to be fun, easy to use, an easy to make a sensational beverage from.
When you press the go button on a Koffeeone automatic coffee machine, you know you are about to get a sensational espresso coffee to the cup.
All of the Koffeeone new multi automatic coffee machines and espresso coffee machines have consistently delivered on their clients highest expectations every time and are by far the best coffee machines for any modern office.
The Benefits of installing a new multi automatic coffee machine
Automatic Coffee Machines are a specialty coffee machine field and require high levels of expertise by the distributor to ensure your coffee machine produces 100% pure espresso.
You need to be confident your espresso coffee machine supplier understands the technology and is well versed in installation techniques, setup techniques and how to make your automatic coffee machine produce a Barista quality coffee as intended by the manufacturer and the coffee roaster.
Koffeeone have over 15 years in field experience and specialise in Automatic Coffee Machine technology.
They look forward to assisting you with your next purchase / rental of one of the best coffee machines from our new multi automatic coffee machine range.