A Koffeeone Traditional Coffee Machine For Coffee Cart
Every week we post up an article relating to one of Koffeeone’s automatic coffee machines (ranging from fully automatic Coffee machines to super automatic coffee machines), or one of our traditional coffee machine.
However this week I have something a little out of the ‘coffee box’ to share with you.
The popularity or our Koffeeone Traditional Coffee Machine range is no surprise, as these coffee machines are some of the finest and best value coffee machines that Italy has to offer.
Lately Koffeeone have been getting requests for using their coffee machines in coffee carts and its proving very successful.
Some of the key features that this coffee cart has are;
- The Koffeeone coffee machine water pump is sufficiently strong enough to draw water from a drum
- The water is container under the cart in two 20 litr water drums
- The drums get connected to the coffee machines via a tap on the bottom of the drum, reducing pressure on the pump by gravity feed
- The cart has its very own distribution board with built in RCD
- One single 20amp lead powers the carts distribution board
If you are considering a coffee machine for your coffee cart please contact us today. We have the coffee machines, the knowledge and the experience to ensure your mobile coffee cart operates without a flaw.