Mythos One Grinder Burrs. Mythos One Grinder Burrs Available Today. Retail Price $ 429.00 – Buy Now and Save $ 90.00 Our Price $ 339.00

Mythos One Grinder Burrs

Are Long Life Burrs

Titanium burrs guarantee more efficient and long lasting grinding

Victoria Arduino Mythos 1 Titanium Burrs/Blades

Original Burrs by Victoria Arduino – Made By Victoria Arduino For Victoria Arduino Original Mythos One Grinder Burrs – Do not be fooled by reproduction Blades ( Up to 1200 Kg of Coffee ) The Original Mythos One Grinder Burrs are made of Titanium. As well as being covered with Titanium Nitrate to expand the life expectancy Mythos One Grinder Blades – True Quality
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